• Fountain Pen Paper

    Paper for Fountain Pens and Inks

    It’s a never ending discussion about what’s more important: the ink, the fountain pen or the paper? Does every ink write in the same way in every fountain pen and on every paper? Spoiler: No. For me the paper is really important. There are so many differences: the texture can be soft, it could be coated, it could be smooth or rough. And then there’s also the possibility that the ink “sits” on the paper or soaks into it. So while making ink swatches I always test the inks on different papers. Coming from the bullet journal community I have a lot of journals and different kind of papers at…

  • Ink Review

    Monteverde Purple Mist

    I’m back with another ink review – and I thought I will add the german text as well for all my german speaking followers. Monteverde Purple Mist, 30 ml, glass bottle Heller Violett-Ton, beim Schreiben wirkt es zunächst etwas rosa, trocknet jedoch mit deutlich blauem Einschlag. Eher fließfreudig, keine Rückstände, Pigmente, Glibber o. ä. im Glas. Kein Shimmer oder Sheen vorhanden. In meinem Lamy Füller zeigt sich deutliches Shading auf Tomoe River, die hellen Bereiche sind dabei sehr hell und ggf. für manche Menschen schwer zu lesen. Bright violet, while writing it’s rather pink but turns more to blue while drying. It’s pretty fluent, I didn’t find any pigments, glibber…